Welcome to our articles page about equine health. These articles are concentrating solely on the health of the horse, common ailments and problems that they have, why they have them and how we think of them. Through either on the ground work and getting our hands dirty, to using advanced technology like high frame rate video or high resolution pictures, we’re doing our best to determine what could be going wrong in the horse. Every exam comes with a fecal egg count test too, just in case there is a chance that the horse has parasites living inside it that is causing multiple problems.
If you’re curious to see what we do, why and how then please check out our case studies to see what we’re up to. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or send us a message.
The articles below are put in the order on when they were updated last as we are constantly updating our own knowledge and making sure to apply it to our articles and media.