Fecal Egg Count Result
Horse: Hawkeye
1st Test Date: March 29, 2015
Result: Less than 200 eggs per gram
2nd Test Date: April 12, 2015
Result: Less than 200 eggs per gram
Your horse is doing really well in regards to the egg counts taken in March and April. There were zero ringworm or roundworm eggs and very few strongylus and triodontophorus (bloodworms) in both tests, which indicates that your horse has very few worms. While this isn’t definitive, as the eggs may not be shedding out, it’s a good indicator of good health. The next recommended testing date is about 6 months from now to just follow up and keep a record. It isn’t expected that your horse would suddenly get wormy, but certainly can if left out in pasture with horses that are. Keep notes on where your horse grazes in the case that 6 months from now a test result shows a higher egg count.
We use a modified McMaster technique for detecting eggs and always do 2 slides worth with 2 separate samples. If you have any questions or concerns then please let us know anytime. This report does not guarantee that your horse doesn’t have the worms reported on, but is a good indicator of such.
This report was compiled by Graeme Bull