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Shivering in Horses

In this article we're going to talk a bit about shivering in horses. This is different than a horse having Shivers, which is a topic for another article. What we're [...]

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Weaving in Horses

Something that we see often in stalls and paddocks are horses weaving. A lot of people wonder why horses weave and a quick search will show an abundance of articles [...]

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Clean and Accessible Water for Horses

Something that is really important to talk about is the topic of clean and accessible water for horses. It's a given that horses should have water available to them, surprisingly [...]

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Case Study – Ivy

We'd like to introduce Ivy, a 2015 filly from Alberta. Ivy is a beautiful little girl with an inquisitive set of eyes with the fluffiest of coats. She arrived with [...]

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Checking Vitals for Horses

One thing that is very important to do on a regular basis is to check your horse's vitals. Checking vitals tends to not be a common thing to practice or [...]

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What a Hematoma is in Horses

Something that happens quite regularly with horses is that they get hematomas. A hematoma is simply a pocket of fluid, mostly blood, and is most commonly just referred to as [...]

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False Sole in the Hoof of the Horse

Something that is quite common to see when examining and trimming hooves in the summer and cold dry winter times is a buildup of the sole that may make the [...]

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Ripples and Rings in the Hoof Wall

Something to consider when examining the hooves of your horse, amongst many other things, are ripples and rings and bumps that go horizontally around the hoof. In a healthy hoof, [...]

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Treating Aggressive Mud Fever, Mud Scald, Rain Rot

In a previous post on the subject of mud fever/mud scald/rain rot, we covered how to deal with the problem in most cases. In this article we'll continue to look [...]

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